Masterclass Content

A breakdown of all the lessons and resources you'll have access to

    1. An introduction to the masterclass

    2. Before we get started

    1. Master Tough Conversations

    2. Extra Resources: Podcast episodes, transcript and the Five Ways to Overcome Your Fear of Feedback download

    1. Find Clarity in Ambiguity

    2. Extra Resources: Podcast episode and transcript

    1. Do The Job You're Paid To Do

    2. Extra Resources: Podcast episodes, transcript and the Five Point Plan to Successfully Transition to the Next Level download

    1. Build Real Resilience

    2. Extra Resources: Podcast episode, transcript and your Four Tips to Build Resilience for Success download

    1. Put Self Interest Aside

    2. Extra Resources: Podcast episodes, transcript and the Five Rules of Thumb for Exercising Power download

About this course

  • Free
  • 14 lessons
  • 0.5 hours of video content

Masterclass Reviews

When we asked our hundreds of students how likely they were to recommend this masterclass to a friend, partner, or colleague, the average answer was 9/10!

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5 star rating

Great Course - No Bullsh!t

Steven Poole

Martin Moore is practical, clear and has the ability to transfer and make complex information very understandable, easy to capture and apply. He is definitel...

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Martin Moore is practical, clear and has the ability to transfer and make complex information very understandable, easy to capture and apply. He is definitely one of the best trainers I have ever met in my life.

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5 star rating

Simple yet effective Leadership pathway

Ben Whiting

Marty uses some great analogies that provide an understanding of leadership principals in a simple yet effective way. It has given me some additional tools t...

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Marty uses some great analogies that provide an understanding of leadership principals in a simple yet effective way. It has given me some additional tools that I try to use regularly in my role.

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5 star rating

A house starts with foundation

Liviu I.

This course helped me understand I need to focus on building a solid foundation for the house I'm going to build. Thank you!

This course helped me understand I need to focus on building a solid foundation for the house I'm going to build. Thank you!

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Join the masterclass

5 bite-sized lessons designed to help you level up your leadership skills quickly and effectively

Masterclass Outcomes

  • Become aware of your blindspots

    As a leader, the last thing you want is to have your career derailed by destructive blind spots. This masterclass will make you aware of five of the biggest career blindspots that leaders of today face.

  • Implement new strategies immediately

    In each lesson, Marty offers tips and strategies that are immediately implementable, that you can start practicing today. The lessons all have extra resources that will help you continue your learning journey, enabling you to discover new tips and techniques for becoming an exceptional leader.

  • Increase your leadership capability

    These simple but powerful concepts will boost your leadership capability, enabling you to lead your organisation to deliver exceptional results.

Your Leadership Expert

Founder of Your CEO Mentor Martin Moore

From university drop out to CEO of a multi-billion dollar business, Marty forged a successful 30+ year career working for a range of blue-chip companies across multiple industries. He demonstrated career agility before it was trendy, holding senior executive roles in Sales and Marketing, Finance, Strategy, and IT. Best known as the CEO who turned around CS Energy, he led his team to implement sustainable culture change, driving earnings growth from $18m to $441m, a compound annual growth rate of 125%. Marty is now pursuing his true purpose; to improve the quality of leaders globally. A strong believer in the adage that "leadership drives culture; culture drives performance", Marty is committed to helping organisations deliver real value uplift through improving leadership capability, and unlocking the latent potential of the workforce. A life-long learner with insatiable curiosity, Marty holds an MBA from the QUT Graduate School of Business, and is a graduate of Harvard Business School's Advanced Management Program.

Take the masterclass

Become aware of your potentially career derailing blindspots and improve your leadership capability


  • How long will the masterclass take?

    Each video is between 3 - 5 minutes. We also provide transcripts if you forgot your headphones on the bus! Each lesson has additional resources, so either podcast episodes to listen to for further learning, or a worksheet. These are optional, we just add them in there to give you extra value and learning on these topics!

  • How much does the masterclass cost?

    Zero. Zilch. Zip. The Leadership Level Up masterclass is completely free. We are dedicated to creating as much high value, free content for our community as possible, so this one is on us!

  • Is this masterclass for me?

    If you're a leader, or an aspiring leader, who wants to quickly level up their leadership capability, then this is for you! The concepts Marty covers are simple but powerful, and when implemented they can make the difference between a successful career, and a derailed career.

What some of the masterclass students are saying

  • I have definitely learned a few things in this masterclass and I believe that it will help me to improve my leadership. I really enjoyed this masterclass. Thank you for taking time to share your experience.

  • I now know how much more I need to know! But it has been enlightening to hear the insights and to think practically about how I can apply them.

  • It was really concise and sharp. I am an EMBA student and could immediately relate most of the things that Marty talked about, to the theory that I have learned. The theory actually made sense.

  • Again, simple and actionable content. I've taken notes this time so I can spend more time in the detail and planning the application. Cheers!

  • Some great wisdom in this masterclass synopsis on leadership. I appreciate the candour in which the insights and examples are delivered.

  • Reassurance of skill sets and theory/study based knowledge from an experienced leader. Great key points and summarised perfectly.

  • Some excellent tips presented in a very clear and concise manner. Well done!

  • Reinforced what I had picked up from the podcast. Also realised that some of my acts of selflessness/integrity have been taken the wrong way in the past, which will need more pondering.

  • Very interesting masterclass. Please continue with more ideas and episodes.

Take the free masterclass!

These implementable strategies are guaranteed to boost your leadership capability immediately, helping you become a leader who stands out from the pack